Thursday, July 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged With a Meme -- Oh Dear!

My blogger friend Jo over at The Road Less Traveled has included me in a very thoughtful exercise or "Meme" in blogger lingo. This meme involves more than the typical "What were you doing ten years ago?" (To which I would most assuredly respond "being pregnant" or "changing diapers" and move on quickly before the exhaustion overtook me from that brief jaunt down memory lane). As a new blogger I felt the need to define "Meme" -- to the rescue again:

Meme – (n.) A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
[Shortening mimeme, from Greek mimēma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate.]

**Ummmm ... when you read that definition, did any of you have the deja vu-ey feeling that you were on the film set of My Big Fat Greek Wedding riding around in the carpool with Toula Portokalos' dad, Gus??**

Aha! This rolling dialog will spread round the world sharing ideas, thoughts, and dreams for the betterment of mankind (or so I hope). Well, since Jo believed I had something worthwhile to share I shall dive in and give it a try. [*Splash!*]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I Am, I Think, I Know, I Have …

I am: celebrating life

I think: so deeply I often lose my way in the present moment

I know: I am loved

I have: a need to explore life’s beauty down through niches and caves of wondering thoughts

I wish: I had chosen to live life this fully earlier

I hate: thinking about hateful things (this was by far the hardest blank to fill in)

I miss: my son, Andrew

I fear: the overpowering pull of a perfectionist nature that stymies my expression

I feel: like Merlin … getting younger with age : )

I hear: my daughter playing the harp (a piece of Heaven slipped through the clouds)

I smell: “the sea” (my latest “favorite” body gelee) and long to visit Mendocino

I crave: (honestly … good, dark, luscious, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate came to mind first … hmmmmm ….) HUGS while eating good, dark, luscious, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate. [Note: This should be administered daily, as needed]

I search: my heart for prickles and root them out so as to make room for more love to grow

I wonder: as I wander …

I regret: living so long with regrets (now I jettison them)

I love: the life God sketched out for me (painful childhood and all)

I ache: at the tear of a neglected child.

I am not: the same timid person I used to be

I believe: the greatest of these is LOVE

I dance: ALL THE TIME (I can’t help it -- it just happens!)

I sing: opera in the shower (I am forever longing to be The Lady of the Night from Mozart’s Magic Flute)

I cry: at the silliest things (fireworks finales, the singing of the National Anthem, the entrance to Disneyland, a hug, the sound of a child singing …), but rarely do I cry when hurt (that pain goes deep down and hides from view in a sad place behind a staid expression)

I don’t always: appreciate the gifts found in each day

I fight: the urge to hide behind a mask

I write: because I MUST!

I win: when I don’t fear losing

I never: pass up a hug

I always: get a goodnight kiss from my husband : )

I confuse: those around me at times, but they love me anyway (and I am SO grateful)

I listen: more now than I every have before

I can usually be found: with my nose in a book and a teacup by my side

I am scared: of fewer things today than yesterday

I need: the joy of the Lord EVERYDAY!

I am happy about: those things that I choose to be happy about

I imagine: of a world where every child is loved and cherished

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Well, now would be the time for me to pass along the tag (and believe me I have pondered this for quite a while). I decided that I would "tag" new bloggers who do not have a backlog of posts for me to explore in search of gems denoting personality, dreams, and the odd quirk. So, I now tag Connie, Lisa, and my precious daughter Elizabeth. (To which I add, this is purely voluntary -- no pressure included.)

[ZOWIE! I can't believe I actually made these nifty hyperlinks with NAMES -- so cool! I learn something new every day. Thanks Jo, you forced me waaaaaay out of my comfort zone!!]


Becky said...

Comfort zone or not it was beautiful and poetic... and you :-) (((Deb)))

imbeingheldhostage said...

What a beautiful post-- I would've turned it all silly, but after reading yours, I feel almost like I was just 'fed' my creative snack for the day ;-)

Jules said...

That was really lovely. And of course I HAD to read it in the morning...... before I've had anything to eat..... and now I can picture giant hills of chocolate parading across my mind....... and calling to my hips...... and I think I'm succumbing........

And I'm thinking "Thank Goodness I didn't get tagged with this one yet" because thin I would actually have to think. But I will. I know it. Because whenever I think this....... I get tagged with it. It's a law or something. *sigh* :)

kylie said...

hi debbie,
brilliant post....thanks.
this will come as a surprise, i suppose, given that we've "just met" but i have just received a prayer request for a family who have lost their newborn, a twin. i thought that you would understand the need of this family better than i can and maybe you would put something on the comments page at "A yarn...."?
i havent posted yet, have to rush off to work , so dont be confused by that.
you'll find the request on the comments at eclectica.
please dont feel obliged, write or not as you are led
thanks and god bless

Theresa said...

This is a great meme... I think I will copy it today on my main blog... and please take me to Mendocino with you! :o)

Jo said...

"I wish: I had chosen to live life this fully, earlier."
That has to be my favorite answer, dear friend. I too share that wish. And thank you so much for playing along; I feel as if you're a delightful neighbor with whom I have many morning teas in your bewitching garden, talking of life - its joys and sorrows.
Here's to you, my friend!

Karen Deborah said...

lovely lovely. you are precious.