Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You'll Find Me in the Shade ...

... near refreshment (including, but not limited to: pool, fountain, iced beverage).

Another scorcher promised, so I shall just give in and find a cool spot with a good book while the children study. Having just finished Annie Dillard's The Writing Life (a slim volume I FORCED myself to read slowly, savoring each carefully-chosen word), as well as another read of Babette's Feast (paired with another splendid viewing of the excellent film just last night), I find myself poised in front of the well-stocked shelves in eager anticipation of a new adventure. I had hoped to read The Tale of Despereaux but Gary cut in line. : ( I have been leafing through Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gift From the Sea (another re-read ... but a GREAT ONE), as well as contemplating MFK Fischer's The Art of Eating; but somehow I am seeking a STORY. A thrilling new ride down a pathway never taken before. I have Elizabeth Goudge's Gentian Hill at the ready, but then I see Thor Heyerdahl's Fatu-Hiva sitting there with a promise of tropical adventure. Next to Thor rests An Infinity of Hours (subtitled "Five Young Men and Their Trial of Faith in the Western World's Most Austere Monastic Order), and just over a bit lies Amanda Grange's light and lively Mr Knightley's Diary. Oh my, this special bookshelf of waiting-to-be-read delights has sent me all in a fluster. How do I choose? What title shall I pick next?

And so I dither until I realize that I have a whole HOT day stretched out before me in which to R-E-A-D, followed by less severe though equally-heated days this week alone. I close my eyes, reach out to pick just one, but give in and grab them ALL, intending to make plans for a Chinese take-out dinner. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ... the joys of a lazy Summer's day. :)


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful will be a scorcher...enjoy the books!

CONNIE said...

Have fun reading... and don't forget your SLR manual ^_^ you are going to need it if you want to dabble in photography. I envy you... I only have a photo and shoot Canon but I love it.

Stay cool, Debbie!
P.S. I was just reading about Grass Valley - looks like a very nice place to visit someday. I've never been to Cali...

Schotzy said...

Sounds like a great day for a good read! Enjoy!
Blessings! Carolyn

Anonymous said...

The Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl is my five cents of worth :-) Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

I think you read too much. I'll take you to dinner so that we can talk about it.
Gary :(

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Believe me, I can relate.

I will be finishing a novel this evening and wondering what to read next.

I have a STACK next to my bed and in a special place on my bookshelf that have not been read. Then there are those I want to re-read.


Grace K. said...

Oh, how lovely. Books! *sighs* I have a rather large lonely pile that watchs me with sad eyes when I pass by. They miss me, and I them, but o, how busy are days!

What a lovely blog, Debbie! I love your music, and I'll be sure to visit often. :)


Karen Deborah said...

I laughed out loud at the dinner comment. Ummmm boring me, I cleaned house today, oiled the wood furniture with orange oil, smells nice. Dusted, and dusted, and did I mention dusted? Seems I haven't dusted ( and no one else did) since we came home from our trip. Yee gods are those potatoes hanging from the fan blades?

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

Scorcher? What's a scorcher?

(scratching head with a furrowed brow in a balmy 47 degrees)

Becky said...

LOL, at Gary! :-p Whew... I'm lucky if I get to read anything besides The Napping House 14 times in one day ;-)

Jules said...

You know, one of my secret (okay not so secret) joys is that we have bot a Barnes and Noble AND a Borders AND the main public library within walking distance.

Big decadent sigh here!

Sharon Goemaere said...

I LOVE Grass Valley!I used to live down in the valley from there and LOVED driving up there to GV and Nevada City to see all the neat old shoppes.Neat posts!Blessings~Sharon