Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fairytale Cooking

 Go out into the gardens
(beautiful flowing dress and dancing slippers optional)

Gather fragrance-bearing beauty with abandon
(organic only, please)

All colors

All shapes

All beautiful

Then . . .

Shed the petals

Pour into a bowl

Add boiling water and steep for six hours
(Be prepared to relax and enjoy the amazing aroma)

 Drain and reserve the rosewater

~~ a shade of pink I can only call LUSCIOUS ~~

and cook as you would any jelly.
(recipe link below)

Ladle into jars and cool.

Stand back in amazement at the beauty . . .
then taste

(preferably dolloped onto a freshly-baked scone).

And They Dined Happily Ever After

* * * * *

Find an inspirational post with recipe here.

(I just LOVE Mia's blog!)

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Extravagant...on the order of the Lord's extravagance... in creating so many lovely flowers to begin with.

Your idea of flowing dress and all touched me...I am all blue- jeaned up right now, but very early this morning I wandered down the garden paths in my nightie and it was lovely on a different order as only a garden quiet in the dawn can be.