Do you ever spend so much time getting "ready" for a delightful event that you arrive too worn out to enjoy yourself? I nearly worked myself into a frazzle doing just that in the early stages of launching Wisteria and Roses. I fretted and fussed over the this-or-that, do-I-or-don't-I, will-they-or-won't-they, and a whole jumble of other draining worries. I had to stop, sit down, sip my tea slowly, and hit POST without glancing backward. I did it and when the coach pulled up to the castle I gingerly exited one world and entered another ... AND IT WAS FUN!!!! That's right ... FUN!
My blog stepped out into the Blogdom Ball and she had a delightful time meeting new friends, greeting old, and dancing through the many delightful blogs that fill the vast lands of thought and tale in this wonderful kingdom. I only regret that I didn't arrive sooner. Thanks to all of you out there who encouraged me by stopping by and saying "Hi!" To the rest of you: I can't wait to meet. I'll be sure to wave as I waltz past. ~
Geez,this is exactly where I'm at right now with my brand new blog. BF said I'm obsessed about it. I love taking pictures and the 'tweaking' of the whole blog itself but when it comes to posting...I just come to a screech all the time. I should just let it be, make it short and just show it to the world without worrying that I have lots of run-on-sentences and incorrect prepositions. BF added that nobody will judge me because I used 'to' instead of 'from' 'in' or 'on'.
I'm still working on my "ABOUT ME". I just don't know exactly who I am... lol..
We're new and it'll get better and it should be all about FUN.
I love your blog, by the way.
We're home again and I just caught up on all your posts! yeah! Just being wonderful you is exactly right. RACHEL IS AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF STORIES!
So sorry to hear that you are still having fires. Hope you have an air purifier like mine, it can handle all of that pollution. You tell my baby that fireflies are alive an well in MS. they come out in the summer. I'll tell her when I next spot them.
Honey, that air purifer helping!!!??? God, are we ever going to get out of this? Every day the number of fires increases. This is insanity. Okay, I'm moving to Canada. I never hear anything bad about Canada.
Thank you for your comment and coming here is priceless. I've laughed too hard. You're too funny. Your daughter's too funny as well (Sweetie, visit my family or Leah in NY, we have more than enough fire flies to go around).
I'll be back. I have to read everything. You're killin' me! Honey, if you have time, visit my friend Leah in NY (she's working on her PhD), and Kylie in Australia (she working on sanity!!). They're the best. You could access them on my blog roll, but I accidently deleted it, so you can't! Hey, give me a break. Just go to my comment page and click on their name. That's how I'm navigating. I'm going over to Leah's to tell her about you. She's gonna love ya! This was too much fun.
Thank you for stopping by. We're friends!
XO Me!
The preparation was worth it, your blog is perfect.
I look forward to visiting.
May I list you on my favorite blogs?
Karen D., Thanks for reminding me about the air purifier! I have one stored in the garage, time to go dig it out!
Hey Connie, Don't stand there on the steps waiting to "get used to the water," just dive in! You come up with a gasp at first but then you find the water is fine and the pool party is a blast. Come on ... JUMP! : )
Karen D, my dear dear buddy from way back when in the "dark" ages. I'm so grateful to you for prodding me to do this and then calling all your friends to give me e-hugs. This is a blast! I carry my camera all the time now. You're LOVED! (p.s. You're number one on the firefly summer tour. Maybe next year ...? XO!!)
Suzanne, you make me laugh and laugh! I am so grateful for the endorphins flooding my life since you popped over for a visit. Girlfriend, you are welcome on my blog-step anytime! Can't wait to meet your friends. I'm off to e-travel 'round the world! Ta! : )
Kathy, I am so flattered. Of course you can list me on your blogroll. : ) (WOW!) Enjoy your blue skies. Ours have returned to cornflower with a hint of haze and I fear the periwinkle shade will show up next. At 3 am I woke up gasping and had Gary run around shutting windows and cranking on the purifiers. -- *sigh* He said simply, "Wind shifted." (Man of few words but those words do the trick precisely.) : )
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